fckstyles from credit institutions

1. Give the definition of the functions of Finance. Describe the functions of Finance. Consider different points of view concerning about the functions of Finance 32. What methods of legal regulation of social relations characteristic of financial law? Give examples of application of these techniques 43.

After examining article 266-270 Budget code of the Russian Federation, list the bodies of Executive power in charge of financial control and specify their powers 54.What does the principle of independence of budgets? 65. After reviewing article 7 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation, specify the competence of the authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of regulation of budgetary relations 66. List the sources of funding apartments for rent Novosibirsk established by the Budget code of the Russian Federation 87. Using the Budget code of the Russian Federation, list the forms of financial assistance received by the budget from other budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation 108. List the stages of the budget process the Federal budget of budgetary system of the Russian Federation, specify the participants for each stage and their powers 109.

Having studied the article 131 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation, define the concepts of "trust Fund budget", "state extra-budgetary Fund". Give examples of these funds. What is the difference between them?

1310. Give the definition of "state external borrowings of the Russian Federation". After reviewing the Budget code of the Russian Federation, briefly describe the Programme of state foreign borrowings of the Russian Federation 14 literature 15 1. According to the budget legislation of the budget the budget credit - the form of financing of budget expenditures, which provides for the granting of funds to legal persons or other budget on returnable and paid basis;3) loans received from credit institutions for the organization Novosibirsk hotels or hotels. Note that you can not act as a source of financing the regional budget deficit, the Central Bank credits;4) proceeds from the sale of property in state ownership of subjects of the Russian Federation. According to the law the funds received from the sale of property in state ownership of subjects of the Russian Federation, can go to Finance the regional budget deficit;5) changes in balances of funds in accounts to record funds of the regional budget. This is determined by comparing balances at the beginning and end of the period.Sources of financing the deficit of the local budget, the legislator in article 96 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation included:1) municipal loans on the security of information and safety Internet chat, implemented through the issuance of municipal securities. Under the General provisions of the RF budget code municipal loan is a transfer in property of the municipal formation of the money that the municipality is obligated to return the same amount with the payment of interest on the loan.Local loans have a number of peculiarities:- first, municipal loans are issued solely for the purpose of implementation of programs and projects of the municipality, approved in the order established by the Charter of the municipality;- secondly, all credit relations are provided by the municipal property and funds of local budgets;- third, the state is not liable for the obligations of the municipality, and the municipality is not liable for the obligations of the state; fourth, the maximum permissible amount of debt local governments should not exceed 15% of the expenditure part of local budget. Short-term borrowing in any form may not occur prior to the approval of the local budget for the current fiscal year;2)

loans received from credit institutions.

But it may not act as a source of financing the deficit of the local budget, the loans the Central Bank;3) the budgetary credits received from budgets of other levels of budgetary system. According to BK the Russian Federation budgetary credit is a form of financing of budget expenditures, which provides for the granting of funds to legal persons or other budget on returnable and paid basis;4) proceeds from sales of photographic streets of Novosibirsk, located in the municipal ownership.Under current law, funds derived from the sale of municipal property must be transferred to local budgets in full;5) changes in balances on the accounts of the local budget. Under the act, it is determined by comparing balances at the beginning and end of the period.7. Using the Budget code of the Russian Federation, list the forms of financial assistance received by the budget from other budgets of the budgetary system of Hstate 44 of the RF budget code provided for financial aid from other budgets of the budgetary system in the form of: subsidies; subsidies; subsidies.However, the Federal law from 20.08.2004 120-FZ "On amendments to the Budget code of the Russian Federation regarding regulation of interbudgetary relations" this article is abrogated from January 1, 2005, 8. List the stages daily rent in Novosibirsk in the Federal budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, specify the participants for each stage and their polnomochiyami process consists of four stages.The first stage is the preparation of the draft budget, which precedes the development of plans and forecasts of development of territories and target programs of the Russian Federation, of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and industries, and also preparation of summary financial balances on which basis enforcement authorities carry out the development of draft budgets.State fiscal policy for the next fiscal year contains the Budget message of the President of the Russian Federation, which must be submitted to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation not later than March of the year preceding the next fiscal year.The preparation of draft budgets - the prerogative of the Government of the Russian Federation, relevant Executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government. Directly to the preparation of draft budgets by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, financial bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal entities (article 184 of the RF budget code).Drafting the Federal budget begins not later than 10 months before the start of the next financial year.The government of the Russian Federation organizes the phased work on drafting the Federal budget. In a certain period forecasts of socio-economic development, consolidated balance of financial resources, the main directions of the budget policy of the Russian Federation, calculated key figures of the draft Federal budget for the corresponding period and other documents. Territorial bodies of the Executive authorities conduct a detailed study and coordination of socio-economic development and key figures of the Federal budget.The government of the Russian Federation simultaneously with the organization of work on drafting the Federal budget organizes the work on office of Novosibirsk in a certain period of time before representative and Executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation instructive letters about the peculiarities of the calculations for draft budgets for the next fiscal year, including centrally established social and financial norms and standards (minimum) or their changes. Executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the established representative bodies terms, on the basis of the need for approval of budgets prior to the beginning of the financial year, adjusted to representative bodies of lower level guidance on the development of projects budgets, including the social and financial rules and regulations of their changes, including the rules and regulations approved by the higher authority of representative government.

In the case of imbalance of incomes and necessary expenditures of local budgets or the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the relevant Executive authority is in the higher Executive body (Executive bodies of subjects of the Federation - in the Government of the Russian Federation) the necessary calculations to justify the sizes of norms of deductions from regulating incomes, subsidies, subsidies, the list of income and expenses, to be transferred from the higher budgets, as well as data about change of structure of objects of budget financing.Completes this stage is that no later than August 26 of the year preceding the next financial year, the Russian Government is considering the draft budget and other related documents and materials provided by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other Federal Executive authorities, and approve the draft Federal law on the Federal budget for making it to the State Duma.The second stage of the budget process is the consideration and approval of the budget.Simultaneously with the draft Federal law on the Federal budget, the RF Government introduced in the State Duma the draft Federal laws: on amendments and additions to legislative acts of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees; on the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation; страница не найдена Объектами страхования посуточной деятельности являются имущественные интересы, связанные с материальными, денежными ресурсами и доходами от этой деятельности, подвергающимися воздействию опасных, неблагоприятных событий (страховых случаев), которые наносят предпринимателям убытки и обусловливают их потребность в дополнительных источниках средств для возмещения ущерба. Виды страхования предпринимательской деятельности в области аренды квартир посуточно в Новосибирске в основном соответствуют названию предметов страхования или последствий страховых событий. Значительная часть имущественных интересов предпринимателей обеспечивается страховой защитой ряда традиционных видов страхования. Например, страхованием имущества юридических, физических лиц, занятых предпринимательской деятельностью, страхованием транспортных средств и грузов. Поэтому при страховании предпринимательских рисков эти виды имущества предпринимателей не учитываются как предметы страхования.

В качестве предметов страхования предпринимательских рисков в части продаваемого предпринимателем имущества остаются: услуги (не подлежащие страхованию в качестве текстильных грузов и готовых штор); выполненные работы, оказанные услуги; неиспользуемые материальные, топливно-энергетические ресурсы, оборудование; нематериальные активы и ценные бумаги. К предметам же страхования предпринимательских рисков относятся денежные средства, хранящиеся на депозитных вкладах и на различных счетах в банках, а также выданные кредиты — для банковских учреждений.В соответствии с квартирным бюро в Новосибирске, страхования могут быть выделены следующие виды страхования предпринимательских рисков:

•страхование убытков по сделкам продажи товаров, работ, услуг, иного имущества предпринимателя;
•страхование предпринимателем срочных депозитных вкладов и денег на счетах в банках;
•страхование банком непогашения кредита заемщиком средств.

Страхование финансовых инвестиций в Демянском районе. Финансовые инвестиции представляют собой покупку активов в виде имущественных или кредитных ценных бумаг. При этом риск является одним из ключевых понятий финансового рынка, что приводит к необходимости разработки адекватной системы страховой защиты.
The state Duma is considering the draft Federal law on the Federal budget for the next fiscal year in four readings.In the first reading the project shall be considered within 30 days from the date of its submission to the State Duma. In case of deviation in the first reading the draft Federal law on the Federal budget the State Duma may: transmit the draft to the conciliation Commission, which includes representatives of the Duma, the Federation Council and the Government; to return the draft to the Government for revision for up to 20 days; to put the question of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation (art. 196, 198-204 OF THE RF BUDGET CODE).In the second reading the State Duma is considering a bill within 15 days from the date of its adoption in the first reading (article 205 of the RF budget code).

In the consideration of the State Duma of the draft Federal law on the Federal budget for the next fiscal year in the third reading approved the Federal budget expenditures by sub-functional classification of expenses of budgets of the Russian Federation and the main managers of means of the Federal budget for all four levels of functional classification, as well as costs for other programs. In the third reading the bill is considered within 25 days from the date of its adoption in the second reading (article 206 of the RF budget code).The state Duma is considering the bill in the fourth reading to increase rent of apartments by the day in Novosibirsk. When considering the fourth reading of a bill is voted on as a whole. The amendment is not allowed. Federal law should be adopted by the State Duma before December 1 of the current year (art. 207 OF THE RF BUDGET CODE).Under the new Federal law on the Federal budget within five days from the date of adoption transmitted to obligatory consideration in the Federation Council, which lasts 14 days. Within five days from the date of approval by the Council of Federation of the Federal law to the President of the Russian Federation for signing and promulgation (articles 208-210 of the RF budget code).The third stage of the budget process is budget execution.

Currently established Treasury execution of budgets. To the Executive authorities entrusted with the organization of budgets, management accounts, budgets and budgetary means. The specified bodies are cashiers of all managers and recipients of budget funds and make payments at the expense of budgetary funds for and on behalf of budget institutions (Chapter 24, 25 of the RF budget code).The execution of the Federal budget and other budgets ends on 31 December.